Personal Information

Full name Aaron Pico
Languages English, Spanish



  • Present
    PhD in Computer Science (IA)
    Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain
    • I am currently pursuing my PhD in the field of Artificial Intelligence at VRAIN (UPV). My research brings together the fields of artificial intelligence and psychology, focusing on cognitive AI and emotional regulation.
  • 2022
    Master in Artificial Intelligence, Shape Recognition and Digital Image
    Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain
    • To improve my knowledge in AI, I took the Master in Artificial Intelligence at the UPV, where I acquired deeper knowledge of the different AI and Deep Learning techniques.
  • 2021
    Computer Engineering with specialization in Computer Science
    Universidad de Alicante (UA), Spain
    • During my career, I opted for the Computer Science branch, which allowed me to develop Deep Learning projects and acquire solid knowledge in this area.
